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Monday, October 3, 2011

Thankful TODAY

This morning, I was thinking of what to blog about....thinking of what I'm thankful for TODAY!

Today...what am I thankful for right now at this moment in time? What can I thank God for right now that would bring joy to my spirit and honor to him?

In this moment, I am thankful for...

1. a barefooted little baby quietly asleep upstairs in his crib

2. animated sounds of my older boys playing pretend games in the backyard

3. cool breezes through an open window

4. sunshine on my back

5. a husband out faithfully working unto the Lord

6. the dinner that will soon be simmering on the stove top

7. the faith of friends who battle along side you and who in the midst of their own hard times, lead others to our Jesus

8. the excited planning I'm doing for two family visits this month

9. crisp and sweet apples given to us by friends

10. the love of a gracious God who uses the schemes of the enemy to draw us to Himself.


Today I choose faith, today I choose to believe the promises of God and not to give the enemy an inch. I stand with my brothers and sisters and I yell a battle cry loud and hard.

We will not bow to unbelief. We will be faithful. We will choose hope and we will NOT be disappointed.

Let the love of Jesus overwhelm you today and let it lead your heart to...

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless His name!"

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