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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So..Here we go!!

Welcome to Storehouse Crafts blog! I'm still in the process of making it all purdy and stuff, so it will be evolving in the coming weeks!! I promise I'll bust out my nice camera and post some better pics! HA! I'm glad you're here with me at the start of this blogging journey. I'm excited and a little nervous about how this might evolve over time and the commitment of being a regular blogger, but I feel the Lord prompting me so I'm jumping in! Hopefully it will be a place of personal expression, Holy Spirit perspective, and practical lessons! I'm excited to share about things I come across, recipes I love, crafty fun, and simply things God is teaching me. 

I named this blog Storehouse Crafts because the Lord has been speaking this idea of a storehouse to me and Chris for a while now. It's a promise...a promise of abundance in Him! We each have a storehouse from the Lord!! A place of filling from him...a place of promise to cling to even when it seems like our silo is depleted. We remember the promises of the Lord and we believe for the Storehouse abundance in our lives! 

So...all that said...I'm a mom of three small boys and a wife of one amazing man. We are currently living in transition trying to move to a new city that God has burdened us for. We're living on the cusp of's exciting, but also a little unsettling. We're so ready for God to release us into what He has next and to take root in the land He has promised to us! He's moving!!
Here's my amazing three boys at the grocery store!!!
I am so blessed to be a mom of these boys, but in the last few months the Lord has been showing me a little more about myself. He's been awakening the CREATIVE in me and it's been awesome! As moms, we get caught up in the day-to-day and sometimes it's hard to remember that we're creative beings made by a creative God! That I'm a mom, but I'm also a WOMAN and I have an imagination! And sometimes I need a little space to craft something pretty or cook a special meal or simply paint something or have a moment of quiet to reflect on something God is trying to show me.

So, that's what I've started doing! Making things...simple things, people! Nothing crazy! HA!
A wreath I made for my sister-in-law

I painted and distressed and old door from our last house
and used it as wall art at our current rental

The hoop art I made for my very first craft swap.
I made one and then I was paired with a stranger
who made one for me! So fun!

Making jam for the first time with my mother-in-law!
The blackberry was amazing!
So, there's a small taste...and along the way God's revealing his heart for beauty to me and releasing me into bringing that beauty into my family and my home. I've learned so much! So, here goes...the ride begins!

Excited to see what God has in store through this little stay-at-home Momma of 3!


  1. I love the Lord's creative expression through you, Christie!! It's so fun to see Him continually doing a new thing, birthing a new dream, cooking up a new recipe, teaching a fascinating new lesson. You are inspiring!! Love you -- Terry

  2. I'm really loving your blog and so thankful I'm getting time to catch up on reading and writing blog posts!

  3. Thanks for all your comments, Jenni!! Makes me feel loved! Ha! Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads my blog besides me mom and Chris! Ha!! I love doing it! I have a cute mustache tee tutorial coming up later this week!!!! Yay!
