I'm a mom of 3 kids (6, 5, and 2).
If you have had children, you can relate to the fact that your body um...CHANGES after having kids.
It's a bit "softer" in places that had once been firm (or at least flat).
I used to think..."well, I guess this is just how my body is going to be from now on"...
"I'm never going to look that that again."
But, I'm starting to think that it's NOT IMPOSSIBLE!
In fact, I don't even want my pre-kids body back...I want something even better!
I want to be strong and fit and in the best shape of my life!
(granted no amount of exercise can erase stretch marks, but they're my battle scars, right?! HA!)
A little inspiration...
Isn't this amazing??? She is my hero.
Or maybe this...
Um...yeah...this lady is holding her 10 MONTH OLD...wha????
Are you inspired?
Good, because it's time to get to work.
3 months.
That's the time period we're going for here...March, April, May.
I find that setting a time period for extreme work makes the process a little easier.
I have all intentions of continuing, but having a time frame helps this Mama out, you hear me?!
So here's the plan...
I'll be at the gym getting my booty kicked 4-5 days a week.
And I am committing to using the My Fitness Pal app for the next 3 months as well.
No crash dieting or fads...just hard work, sweat, and watching my calorie intake...old school folks!
Have you seen My Fitness Pal?
It's a free app for smart phones that lets you set weight loss goals for yourself and then track your food and exercise.
I used it for a while earlier in 2011 and it was a huge help and I saw great results with it!
So, it's time to re-up and do it again and the hubs is going to do it with me! YES!
Are you in?? Want to do a 3 month challenge with me?
Get the workouts in...get the app.
I'll let you know how it goes along the way.
The days that are great and the days I want to stuff my face with Ben and Jerry's.
I've got 18 pounds to lose. There, I said it. Phew. HA!
I'll share with you guys about the types of exercising I'm doing and some meal ideas along the way too!
Let's do this!